Brazil News

Comments about the latest news from Brazil. Unusual stories or mainstream items.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Unwanted pregnancy leads to increase in violence

A new study shows that an unwanted pregnancy may be a much stronger factor in the increase of violence related incidents than other components usually believed to encourage violent acts, such as economic or inequality factors. According to the new study, undertaken by economist Gabriel Hartung in Brazil, the number of violent incidents is directly related to the number of children living with single mothers. A decrease in this number of children - usually a result of an unwanted pregnancy - could be three times more efficient in reducing violence than a similar decrease in inequality levels and four times as efficient than an equivalent economic growth. According to Mr. Hartung, heard by the Agencia Estado news agency, birth control would be the most efficient way of reducing violence levels in Brazil. The link between unwanted pregnancies and violence is the environment in which the child grows up, usually a home where the mother lives without a partner, struggling to make ends meet.

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